Brian Thomas
@Brian P T
American looking for information about Canada
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Cincinnati
Speaks English
Registration: 22 August 2011

Impossible to find a job! by foxxwrites
I have lived here in Toronto for five months now and I still haven't been able to get a job as a Social Worker, even with my 20+ years experience. Before I moved here I read that Canada was such a welcoming land and that it was easy for immigrants ...

Canada is friendly.. Quebec is not that friendly.. I think that most people do not include Quebec when they say "Canada is friendly". I am sure that the great people of Quebec think that they are friendly, but they are being compared to the rest ... Read More

Impossible to find a job! by foxxwrites
I have lived here in Toronto for five months now and I still haven't been able to get a job as a Social Worker, even with my 20+ years experience. Before I moved here I read that Canada was such a welcoming land and that it was easy for immigrants ...

No.. I didn't have to come to Canada for an interview.. It was done through email and telephone Read More

Becoming an expat......the long road away from home by incahoots
For many years I have had in the back of my mind relocating to a country....a society more in tune with my point of view. I have not been on this blog so I may have alot to learn so be kind......but I am very disillusioned with life in these United ...

I am in the process of moving to Canada. A major part of why I decided to move to Canada is I got tired of the "Me first" attitude. I am an American but it seems like that this place has turned very selfish. Americans don't even care what happens ... Read More

Irish Rigid Truck Driver looking to Move to Canada by Anthony Brophy
Hi all, I am a Rigid Truck Driver living in Ireland and I would like to Move to Canada to Work. I am Honest and Reliable and hardworking. I hold a full clean Rigid Truck License and I would appreciate and information and help anyone could give me. I ...

Have you checked the Canadian Job Bank? There are thousands of trucking jobs here. Read More

Impossible to find a job! by foxxwrites
I have lived here in Toronto for five months now and I still haven't been able to get a job as a Social Worker, even with my 20+ years experience. Before I moved here I read that Canada was such a welcoming land and that it was easy for immigrants ...

You could consider cross training into a field with a little more demand. You could abandon social working and do something else altogether. I am sure that you are very intelligent and can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. I am moving ... Read More