Phishinphool Stati Uniti


Espatriato Americano in Tailandia
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Hi Y'all, My name is Kurt and I am an ex-pat living in Northern Thailand. I have been here for almost 8 years. I came here with my Thai wife to take care of her ailing father. We built a nice house on almost 1 acre of land and 9 months later her dad passed away. Now I want to return to the US and buy an RV to travel with. But first all my funds are tied up in the house and I need to sell it before even thinking about returning to the USA.

Sono un utente di dal 13 Dicembre 2020

  • Parlo English and very very little German
  • Interessi personali fishing, rving, Growing fruit trees
Registro delle attività
  • Phishinphool
    espatriato in Tailandia

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Mae Taeng, Tailandia
Stati Uniti
Pensacola, Stati Uniti