SaraphinaO Stati Uniti


Espatriata Americana in Marocco
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Salam! My name is Saraphina aka Sara and I am a special education teacher from San Jose, CA. I moved to Morocco with my husband and 3 year old son in the beginning of the year. The cultural differences, language barriers and lack of friends has made me home sick and I would love to get to know other expats.

Sono un utente di dal 30 Dicembre 2020

  • Parlo English
  • Interessi personali hiking, reading, writing, teaching
Registro delle attività
  • SaraphinaO
    espatriato a Fes

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Fes, Fès-Boulemane, Marocco
Stati Uniti
San Jose, California, Stati Uniti