sheilapat EUA


Sheilapat, Americana procurando informa��o sobre nos Emirados Árabes Unidos
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Hi, I am writing from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. We are considering moving to Dubai. I have thr ee boys (ages 5,7,9). My two oldest are on the autism spectrum (both high functioning). Both of our boys recieve services in school presently. Although, they are both in typical classrooms (and do very very, well). We would like to learn about schools, programs, and outside therapy in Dubai. We are very excited about the possibiltily of this move, but need to know if what is offered in Dubai would be comparible to what they currently have or not. Any information or insight would be helpful. Many Thanks, Sheila

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 30 Agosto 2011.

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  • sheilapat
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