American looking for information about Dominican Republic
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sosúa, Puerto Plata
Registration: 06 February 2021

Hiring a REPUTABLE Lawyer by GuestPoster306
With all the legalities in purchasing property, even conducting personal business, what is the best way to be certain in hiring a lawyer you can trust? Is there a trusted online website based on location advertising legal services? Already leery of ...

Whitelight you need a basic lawyer for that, but one who is streetsmart. Misael Planco is in Puerto Plata and can assist you. You can reach him at 1-829-790-9115 Aem- sorry honey, I dont know a good lawyer in that area. Hopefully others will ... Read More

Loaning money by Guest2022
Can we have a new thread for whitelite's question? Lending to locals is something which merits it's own thread. Very high risk imo. Plenty of loan sharks in DR lending for 100% interest but security on property is always needed in ...

Thank you for the suggestion of a new thread. My bad, I should’ve just started one. I definitely believe ex-pats are targets which is why I am looking for a good attorney and I will have property valued higher than the loan amount listed as ... Read More

Hiring a REPUTABLE Lawyer by GuestPoster306
With all the legalities in purchasing property, even conducting personal business, what is the best way to be certain in hiring a lawyer you can trust? Is there a trusted online website based on location advertising legal services? Already leery of ...

If you have an idea of how to do this without one, I am listening. Read More

Hiring a REPUTABLE Lawyer by GuestPoster306
With all the legalities in purchasing property, even conducting personal business, what is the best way to be certain in hiring a lawyer you can trust? Is there a trusted online website based on location advertising legal services? Already leery of ...

Thanks, I hear used car interest rates can be 18% so I figure I can give a local friend a deal around 10% to 12% and it’s a win-win for both of us. I just need to make sure it’s ironclad. Read More

Hiring a REPUTABLE Lawyer by GuestPoster306
With all the legalities in purchasing property, even conducting personal business, what is the best way to be certain in hiring a lawyer you can trust? Is there a trusted online website based on location advertising legal services? Already leery of ...

Not to hijack but maybe info on POP, Sosua area. Looking to loan a local a few thousand dollars to buy a decent automobile. I need an attorney that could draw up the paperwork. TIA Read More