Khashyburton Iran


Cittadino Iraniano che cerca informazioni a Mauritius
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My name is Khashayar [the original name of King Xerxes of Persia] and of course I am from Iran. I have lived and studied in England for over 4 years [Bexleyheath, Kent, London], have been to and done business with many different countries. I am an ICT expert mainly providing services to Oil & Gas industry for almost 20 years either as employed with International companies or through my privately owned business. I have a beautiful and bright 12 yo daughter and we live together as I am separated from my wife. She is the star of my world and I?m both her father & mother besides the friendship bond we made together while trying to recover from the devastating events we went through more than a year ago. Actually a fresh start is the main reason for us to plan to move to Mauritius. We were there 5 years ago on a 16 day holiday trip and we already fell in love with the place and I am quite familiar with the Island, as I made my own detailed research at the time. My interests come from a variety of fields. Other than the technical side and a DIY enthusiast, I used to play the Bass guitar, I?m fond of having different Pets, cultivating exotic plants in my villa in Tehran (Green house or backyard). My latest achievement was a Papaya tree bearing wonderful fruits in an area with -9 C winters. Thats it for now ...

Sono un uomo Ho 47 anni e sono nato il 12 Ottobre 1977

Sono solo/a con figli Sono imprenditore/trice Professione an Strategic ICT consultant

Sono un utente di dal 14 Febbraio 2021

  • Parlo English, Farsi
  • Interessi personali travel, gardening, camping, music, nature, skiing, swimming, business, pets, adventure, horse riding, wildlife, partying, diy, bass guitar, startups, Island life, Creativity & Innovation, IT and etc.
Registro delle attività
  • Khashyburton
    espatriato a Mauritius

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Moka, Moka, Mauritius
Ora vivo qui
Tehrān, Tehrān, Iran