German citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Hamburg, Germany
Speaks German and some Spanish
Registration: 26 February 2021

How are you sending money to yourself in Germany from the US? by iksobarg
I started looking at paypal but I did some research and so far transferwise and currencyfair are looking attractive. And after some further research transferwise looks like a winner. But as this was just an hour worth of research I ask: What service ...

I suggest setting up an online presence with your US bank . That way you have access to your account and you can transfer funds to your German account. You could also get your US bank to issue a debit card back by your bank account and when ... Read More

US Tax Return
I have been living and working in Germany since 1985 and I have never filed a US tax return. I have attempted to contact the IRS, but they do not respond back. Can anyone advise me how I can file a US tax return from Germany? Appreciate any ... Read More