RRodriguez15 Francia


Cittadino Francese che cerca informazioni in Spagna
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Hi, i'm Robin, i'm French, actually living in France, but not for long. My company grant me the status to work where i want, so i'm willing to live in Valencia because i love the city but i don't know many things about, so i which to learn more, while living in Valencia and working for my French company. Actually, it's also a personnal challenge, because i'm not a really good in spanish, but i really want to fullfil my challenge by talking and metting new people.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 17 Marzo 2021

  • Parlo French, English, Spanish
  • Interessi personali culture, art, travelling, movies, Meet new people
Registro delle attività
  • RRodriguez15
    espatriato a Valencia

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Valenza, Spagna
Ora vivo qui
Senlis, Picardie, Francia