American expat in Brazil
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Registration: 27 April 2021

Leaving Brazil with only CRNM number but not the actual resident card by Mischa1864
Hi all, I have been waiting for my resident card here. But I got an emergency back home that I need to leave Brazil ASAP. I have my CRNM number active in the system. But I am still waiting for the actual reisdent card. So can I leave Brazil with ...

@Gerard NardiniI overstayed my tourist visa while applying for my permanent residency in Brasil. The day it was finally approved I hopped straight on a plane from the PF office at the airport in RJ with only the protocolo and flew to the US and back ... Read More

Confusion of counting the days of my stay in Brazil by Szegediensis
Hello.I am quite confused what will happend while next time entering Brasil as a turist because: I entered for the first time on 3. december 2021 and stayed until 1 march 2022. Then, after spending 3 weeks in my copuntry, I returned on ...

@leemetaAs long as you begin the process with the PF to obtain residency before your 90 days expire they will give you a process number which will allow you to stay legally while you complete your application. Once your application is approved you ... Read More

90 Day Entry by NTXP1836
My girlfriend is Brazilian and has moved to Brazil from the USA to take care of her parents medical needs. As a result I have been visiting her periodically over the last year. I am American. My question is on entering. Is the 90 day entry for each ...

Not for US Citizens. If you want to stay for longer than 90 days without leaving Brasil, you need to go through the process of applying for an extension with the PF here - https://www.gov.br/pt-br/servicos/prorrogar-estada-no-brasilThis should be ... Read More

90 Day Entry by NTXP1836
My girlfriend is Brazilian and has moved to Brazil from the USA to take care of her parents medical needs. As a result I have been visiting her periodically over the last year. I am American. My question is on entering. Is the 90 day entry for each ...

You get 90 days on every entry until you max out the 180 in a calendar year as a US citizen. There's no need to get an extension so long as you're not staying more than 90 days consecutively. Read More

União Estável and Permanet VISA by koirj
Hello,I'm a foreigner living in Brazil with temporary VISA now.I want to get permanent VISA by utilizing Uniao Estavel with my Brazilian Girlfriend.Does anyone has this experience?I want to know how to proceed and what documents are necessary to get ...

@koirjIt had nothing to do with the Cartorio. Although that part of the process was annoying enough we ended up flying to Sao Paulo getting the actual document at a cartorio there. The PF at Santos Dumont was the real issue. i had all my reqired ... Read More

União Estável and Permanet VISA by koirj
Hello,I'm a foreigner living in Brazil with temporary VISA now.I want to get permanent VISA by utilizing Uniao Estavel with my Brazilian Girlfriend.Does anyone has this experience?I want to know how to proceed and what documents are necessary to get ...

Where are you located in Brasil? i went through the process with União Estável in RJ and finally secured my CRNM about two years ago. It was an absolute nightmare. If traditional marriage is an option i would highly encourage you to ... Read More

Best suburb to live in Rio De Janeiro by Petros Andriotis
Hi everyone. We are moving to Rio and we would like your input finding the best area. Somewhere as safe as possible, close to the beach, coffee shops, restaurants, nightlife and things to do in general. Areas in the proximity of city center offering ...

I don't think it's fair to say all of Rio is dangerous nor do I agree with needing a car to live in Barra. My wife's family all lives in Barra so I've spent a lot of time both there and Zona Sul. The new(ish) metro system from Barra to Zona Sul is ... Read More

Permanent residency to Brazil by Dudu Garcia6
Hi,I would like to relocate to Brazil with my girlfriend (she is a Brazilian citizen) in a few years time. I only have a New Zealand citizenship and I have doubts as to my ability to attain a work visa in Brazil, as I don't not speak Portuguese very ...

@ltoby955 I agree and would assume you're correct in thinking owning property would suffice for other documentation - "Proof that both partners are listed as joint owners of a property or that both are listed as tenants in a rental/lease contract" ... Read More

Maintaining US phone while in Brazil by rnbtg
Does anyone have a solution for texts and using a us cell phone while in Brazil? I ported to google voice but can’t receive or make calls for some reason. Lots of banks and stuff use your phone number. I’ve found some work around via ...

You can find the step-by-step for T-mobile here - https://www.t-mobile.com/support/account/suspend-or-restore-your-line Read More

Maintaining US phone while in Brazil by rnbtg
Does anyone have a solution for texts and using a us cell phone while in Brazil? I ported to google voice but can’t receive or make calls for some reason. Lots of banks and stuff use your phone number. I’ve found some work around via ...

@jasonlovesdogs You can suspend a t-mobile (and Verizon) line twice every 12 months for 3 month periods. I used to do this when I lived in Europe but now that iPhones have enabled dual sim support and I'm going back to the US frequently I just keep ... Read More

Permanent residency to Brazil by Dudu Garcia6
Hi,I would like to relocate to Brazil with my girlfriend (she is a Brazilian citizen) in a few years time. I only have a New Zealand citizenship and I have doubts as to my ability to attain a work visa in Brazil, as I don't not speak Portuguese very ...

If you decide to go the União Estável route prepare yourself for a potentially difficult experience satisfying the PF’s ambiguous request for supplemental proof of relationship as it’s extremely unlikely you’ll get ... Read More

FBI Apostille during COVID - What's your experience? by Kriseasy
Hi all! I'm currently waiting for my FBI background check apostille. I am using Monument Visa to send off the document and they will ship them to my address in Sao Paulo. I've heard that since the pandemic this process has been taking ...

I received my Apostilled FBI Check about a month ago (delivered in the US). Submitted fingerprints via USPS and received background check almost instantly. Printed digital copy and sent off for apostille on April 30, received at the very end of May. ... Read More

My experience: Obtaining Residency During Covid-19 (Feb 20'-June 21') by jeisonc83
I'm sharing in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation and needs guidance. I'll be brief where information on a topic is straightforward of easily available. I arrive on a 90-day tourist visa and married shortly thereafter. ...

Good to know, I do have another copy of the Birth Certificate here in Rio with me So I will send it off to be translated as well and see what happens on Thursday. Read More

My experience: Obtaining Residency During Covid-19 (Feb 20'-June 21') by jeisonc83
I'm sharing in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation and needs guidance. I'll be brief where information on a topic is straightforward of easily available. I arrive on a 90-day tourist visa and married shortly thereafter. ...

Thanks for the post, I'm currently going through the same process and have my appointment with the PF on Thursday but unfortunately due to a small error on my part, I failed to receive the Birth Certificate apostille due to not sending it off to ... Read More

Preparing Documents for Permanent Residency while in Brazil by Kriseasy
Oi gentes! I'm applying for permanent residency while here in Sao Paulo through marriage. Does anyone have experience getting documents prepared while out of the USA (or your home country)? I have some of the documents needed, but not all. A ...

In regards to the background check apostille waiting time, I actually just saw that my background check was (hopefully) apostilled and is going to be delivered tomorrow. I didn’t use a channeler but it took just under a month after submitting ... Read More