thegypsymama Afrique du Sud


Expatrié Sud Africain aux Etats-Unis
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I’m Lisa-Jo. I’m South African by birth and American by marriage. The past decade has seen me and my main man, Peter, gypsy our way around the globe: from South Africa to the United States, from Washington, D.C. to Notre Dame, IN, from Chicago to Kiev, from Pretoria to Michigan, and back again to DC where it all started – 12 years, 3 continents and two kids ago. We are so blessed to return with our boys, Jackson Jo and Micah Peter, who color our lives and complicate our frequent travel.

Je suis membre depuis le 10 Août 2009.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime photography, blogging, travel, family, kids, scrapbooking
Activité récente
  • thegypsymama
    a rejoint la communauté Etats-Unis

Mon parcours

J'y vis en ce moment
Afrique du Sud
Afrique du Sud