ameliepira France


French expat in China
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Bonjour, Je suis francaise et vient de m'installer a shanghai avec mon mari pour experience professionnelle et nous prevoyons de rester environ un an. Nous etions en angleterre avant ca. Pour le moment, on ne connait pas grand monde a shanghai et on souhaiterait rencontrer des gens qui parlent francais ou anglais pour partager les experiences et se faire des amis. Hi, I'm a french women and I just settled in Shanghai with my husband. We came here for professionnal experience and are planning to stay about one year. We were living in UK before moving here. We don't really know anybody in shanghai and would like to meet people who speak english or french to share experience and make some friends.

I joined on 11 August 2009.

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Expat experience

I am currently living here
Jun 1983 - Jun 2008
Nancy, France