Louis-arnaud Lavasier Francia

Louis-arnaud Lavasier

Espatriato Francese a Mauritius
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As far as I can remember I’ve always been passionate about filmmaking. ​ Back to Christmas 1999, when I received for the first time a camcorder as a gift from my parents, I never stopped using it. I was always looking at making littles stories with Legos, Action man and with my friends as characters. ​ Growing up near the ocean, I’ve been quickly attracted to water sports like surfing and sailing. Watching people being one with nature was so powerful to me, so I decided to moved towards the water sports videos. ​ Being a filmmaker is, first of all, being passionate about what you do and how you tell a story. You can’t judge a book by its cover. ​ My name is Louis-Arnaud Lavasier, I'm Mexican-Tahitian and I live in Black River Mauritius.

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  • Louis-arnaud Lavasier
    espatriato a Mauritius

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