


Swedish citizen

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Addis Abeba

Registration: 14 October 2011


anla replied to a thread
13 years ago

Your favorite place to hang out in Addis Ababa by suave

Dear All, I thought it could be a nice idea if we could share our favorite hangout places in Addis Ababa. I recently visited the newly opened recreation center in Addis around the area commonly known as Bisrate Gabrel (old airport). The place, ...


Bodywise gym in Sarbet and Sheraton for sure! Sheraton is child friendly, I bring my 8 month old there! Read More

anla replied to a thread
13 years ago

maid and security guard by hanok

how much would it cost me if i wann hire maid and security guard. Whats the living cost in Ethiopia daily in addis ababa? hope to hear from you guys God bless and thanks


We pay 1200 Birr/month for our maid. She comes 6 days/week 10am-5.30mp. Note that for this price you should get a maid with a lot of experience working with expats so you don't have to spend so much time "teaching" hygiene. I find the hygiene ... Read More

anla replied to a thread
13 years ago

Baby Gear by bellatrixta

Hi there My husband and 16 month old daughter are moving to Addis in two weeks and I'm trying to work out what to pack for our daughter. Can anyone advise on the cost of diapers and formula and what the cost would be to buy cots and baby seats for ...


Bellatrixa! Hope you found out by now. If not, I did come to Addis Ababa with the expectation not to find hardly any baby gear. I was wrong! There are a lot of stores and the challenge is to find the good ones. Many stores only keep one of every ... Read More