American expat in Colombia
13 posts
About me
Registration: 01 February 2022
Places to Avoid in Colombia. by cccmedia
Even IL Magazine says avoid these places.International Living magazine has a dubiousreputation amongst some Expats for boosting the countries and placesit covers with an uncritical eye.However, in an article published at itswebsite, IL recently ...
@StevenStapleton It is different for everyone. My wife is Colombian and I live in an area tht they have never seen a Gringo in, ja ja. I watch myself and keep my phone in my pocket and dress in moderate cost clothing and with 3 years ( 1 ourside ... Read More
Places to Avoid in Colombia. by cccmedia
Even IL Magazine says avoid these places.International Living magazine has a dubiousreputation amongst some Expats for boosting the countries and placesit covers with an uncritical eye.However, in an article published at itswebsite, IL recently ...
@ChineduOpara While there may be racism in all countries, the type and degree varies. In the US, IMO, racism reached a low point maybe in the late 80s and has rebounded. My bother in-law is black here and his Nickname is Negrito among many others. ... Read More
Sharing my Harassment story when i was traveling solo by Travelistia
I was traveling from the United States to Columbia when I was harassed. It was a long journey, and I had been on the road for several days. I was tired, but I felt good knowing that my destination was in sight.The first day of my trip had gone by ...
@Bhavna That explains some of it. I am not sure why it was emailed to me Read More
Sharing my Harassment story when i was traveling solo by Travelistia
I was traveling from the United States to Columbia when I was harassed. It was a long journey, and I had been on the road for several days. I was tired, but I felt good knowing that my destination was in sight.The first day of my trip had gone by ...
@Laker4115 The US is often more dangerous in my Humble opinion ja j a Read More
Sharing my Harassment story when i was traveling solo by Travelistia
I was traveling from the United States to Columbia when I was harassed. It was a long journey, and I had been on the road for several days. I was tired, but I felt good knowing that my destination was in sight.The first day of my trip had gone by ...
I am sorry for what happened to you, However, I think you should change the title, It is not fair to Colombia. It leads one to believe this happened here. In Mexico I have always been offered these things, but not once here in my more than 2 years. ... Read More
Making phone calls in Colombia by Maximilien
Hi, When settling in Colombia, one of the priorities is to be able to make phone calls. How to proceed to get a landline installed in Colombia? What are the mobile operators? What is your average monthly budget? Thank you in advance ...
Just adding,. We did not need anything, but a cedulo. No credit card or bank account ever Read More