Bhatt Dipak

Bhatt Dipak


Nepalese looking for information about India


2 posts

About me


Registration: 02 February 2022


Bhatt Dipak replied to a thread
3 years ago

What are the process of getting unmarried certificate by Sanjugrg

My born place was syangja and I want to get marry to my filipino girlfriend but one of the requirements to get marry in Philippines is the certificate of unmarried but I don’t have any idea Where to get that? And the process of what to do ...

Bhatt Dipak

I contacted the ward and they were not aware of such document so they asked me that they will be giving a hand written document and asked me to come up with the necessary details. Could you please let me know which all details I should put there in ... Read More

Bhatt Dipak replied to a thread
3 years ago

What are the process of getting unmarried certificate by Sanjugrg

My born place was syangja and I want to get marry to my filipino girlfriend but one of the requirements to get marry in Philippines is the certificate of unmarried but I don’t have any idea Where to get that? And the process of what to do ...

Bhatt Dipak

Thank you for this information. Is there a format which can be used for unmarried certificate? Or is it a completely handwritten document? Also what all details this document should have so that the ward can attest it? Read More