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Indian expat in Ethiopia

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Lives in New Delhi

Registration: 30 October 2011


shvetauppal replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Ethiopia by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Ethiopia. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Ethiopia: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to ...


thanks fantalove- that sounds like good advice. specially the shoes. what do people wear to work - formal or casuals (say black jeans and a printed cotton top)- shoes? are offices and apartments heated - water heaters? and such things Read More

shvetauppal replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Ethiopia by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Ethiopia. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Ethiopia: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to ...


:), If all goes well around end of nov. or begining dec. have you heard of mr martin's cozy place? Read More

shvetauppal replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Ethiopia by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Ethiopia. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Ethiopia: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to ...


Thanks for the info - what would you suggest - my place of work will be the ministry of education, adwa st. I'd like to stay at a walking distance from there. could you send some links of economical and safe places nearby, please. Read More

shvetauppal replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Ethiopia by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Ethiopia. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Ethiopia: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to ...


Hi there! thanks Suave. this sounds like good information. since i plan to stay only for a year or so i would not like to buy any furniture or appliances - is it possible to rent a fully furnished service apartment - perhaps 2 rooms. if so, for how ... Read More