peteinphuket Stati Uniti


Espatriato Americano in Tailandia
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A Journey of a Thousand miles begins with a cash advance... Unfortunately my cash advance soon dried up, and I ended up as far as that cash would take me—in Phuket, Thailand. Luckily, my journey brought me to the "Land of Smiles", where I have lived for the past 3 years, accumulating friends and experiences I would never have had if I never got that cash advance. My wish is to tell you all about Phuket and the knowledge I have gained in my travels here. Read and enjoy, and hopefully I can inspire you to travel, to get up and go, to bring change to your life and broaden your appreciation of the world around you. Maybe, with a bit of luck and a bit of courage, you too will find your definition of paradise.

Sono un utente di dal 31 Ottobre 2011

  • Interessi personali beach, bars, nightclubs
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  • peteinphuket
    espatriato in Tailandia

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