Indian expat in Belgium
Forum posts
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Registration: 28 June 2022

Travel to UK with Belgium F Card ? by shaf2018
Hi All, Can someone travel to UK from Belgium using a Belgium F card without a UK visa? Or will need to apply for Visa?

@Sarah Julia Please make sure you check this yourself, I am in the same predicament and have to apply for a visa. This thread is from 2020 and since then a lot of the pre-Brexit rules have expired and it does not state anywhere in the current ... Read More

Travel to UK with F+ card (post Brexit) by newleo
Dear all, First, this topic exists from 2020 but since then Brexit has introduced new rules to travel therefore asking current advice. I am a holder of a F+ card (Indian passport) and my wife is Belgian and we have lived together in Belgium since ...

@Kdeepak Thanks for your reply! Which paperwork are you referring to - visa or nationality? Read More

Travel to UK with F+ card (post Brexit) by newleo
Dear all, First, this topic exists from 2020 but since then Brexit has introduced new rules to travel therefore asking current advice. I am a holder of a F+ card (Indian passport) and my wife is Belgian and we have lived together in Belgium since ...

@Edigj Ok I think I missed this point about here having lived in UK because for the EEA Permit which I received several times prior to Brexit was only based on both our IDs + marriage certificates. This is even worse than before for long term ... Read More

Travel to UK with F+ card (post Brexit)
Dear all, First, this topic exists from 2020 but since then Brexit has introduced new rules to travel therefore asking current advice. I am a holder of a F+ card (Indian passport) and my wife is Belgian and we have lived together in Belgium since ... Read More

New members of the Belgium forum, introduce yourselves here - 2022 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Belgium forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hello - Living and working in Belgium since 2013, wife is Belgian and my son was born here.Just discovered this community and keen to see how it can help me navigate some of the questions that have come up regarding travel and nationality.Cheers! Read More