Candy Eliott
French citizen
Forum posts
About me
Speaks French, English
Registration: 05 November 2011

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

PS: And good luck ! hope everything is going to be ok with your eye problem :) Read More

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

haha !! I also have a problem in my eyes and had to go to hospital but they can only fix it the 13th decembre -.- I saw some expat in Cosmic but didnt know if it was your group :p I was at the bar drinking tiger beers (I prefer chang) Its ok for me ... Read More

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

I tryed to come last time, but I misundertood :p I was trying to find the bar in front of bubblebar (Location: Just in front of Bubble Bar )-.- So after, I didnt know if you went into the bubble bar because I was late so I went to cosmic cafe and ... Read More

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

hi !!! im gonna try to come to the second meeting in bangkok rca and try to find you inside :) see you! Read More

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

Hi milkygreentea ! :) Thank you, nice to meet you too :) Is there something going on he 18 november? I actually arrive the 17 november ^^ I'm soooo exited !! :D Maybe see you soon :) Read More

Expat Meetings in Bangkok by LuisF
Thank you all for coming yesterday night to the meeting, it was very nice to meet you all. But it was a pity that you were tired and you left bit by bit until we were just 4 cats left. Debbie, Sidd, Paco and myself we partied until long ours in ...

Hello ! I will arrive the 18 november in Bangkok :cool: ( I know its gonna be hard to swim from the airport until my appartment) But please, let me know if you do something in the end of november, I would be happy to meet new people :) Thank you ... Read More