Fidgety Soul Paquistão

Fidgety Soul

Fidgety Soul, expatriada Paquistanesa na Arábia Saudita
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Happily married living here since 2009 and enjoy living in Riyadh , certainly not a whiner like many others who feel stuck here :P .I have found some amazing friends through Expat Blog. Now i have plenty of it so my only reason to be here is ; When i was new here i received assistance from the senior members and now its my turn to help new expatriates with their queries. Plz inbox me if there is anything i can help about Riyadh :)

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 28 Agosto 2009.

  • Falo English and Urdu
  • Gosto de traveling, music, socializing, eating out, browsing, love to meet new people
Registro de atividade
  • Fidgety Soul
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Riade

Experiência expat

Desde Outubro 2007
Arábia Saudita
Riade, Arábia Saudita
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women r not allowed to drive nor they have enough entertainment resources,most of the restaurants are for singles only:(,unaffordable Compounds[for us],Expensive international calls:P,Non friendly surroundings and No colors around me.Black Abayas every where:(

Dez 2001 - Out 2007
Karachi, Paquistão
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The Current scenario and President :P

Jan 2000 - Nov 2000
Londres, Inglaterra
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Out 1983 - Dez 1999
Karachi, Paquistão
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Out 1979 - Dez 1983
Kawjhi, Paquistão
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i was born here and lived till my dad's death

Living in a Kawji [border of Kuwait]was like living in a desert on your own:P