Scottish expat in Luxembourg
15 posts
About me
Registration: 02 September 2009
Do you speak Luxembourgish? by Priscilla
Hi everyone, It is widely agreed that speaking Luxembourgish is essential for a successful integration in Luxembourg. Do you agree? Share your experience! Do you speak Luxembourgish? If so, where did you learn this language? Where can one attend ...
The arguments against learning Luxembourgish are compelling 'Only' 390,000 people are believed to speak Luxembourgish Most Luxembourgers speak a zillion languages, and have an amazing ability to adapt to different cultures For shopping, ... Read More
Property prices in Luxembourg by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Finding affordable housing in Luxembourg is number one priority for newcomers. Tell us more about the estate market in your district/city/region. What are the most desired places to live? What are the most affordable ones? What ...
As accommodation costs rise faster than salaries, affordability isn't just an issue for newcomers. According to a presentation I listened to last week, an estimated 10,000 Luxembourgers are now living over the border - that's 3% of the ... Read More
Safety in Luxembourg by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Luxembourg? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think ...
20+ years ago, Growing up in Luxembourg - prostitution, crime and drugs etc were always there - but it was rarely 'in your face'. Bar fights were rare, and I did not even know what carjacking was. You could enjoy a night out with your ... Read More
Best Luxembourgish Schools by daryas
Hi, A friend of mine recently moved to Luxembourg and is looking for a good local school for her son. They are living in a temporary housing right now and so are ready to move to any neighborhood, as long as there is a good school nearby. They ...
What region of Luxembourg are you thinking about? Read More
Healthcare in Luxembourg by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Luxembourg ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Luxembourg? Thanks in advance for ...
I have 3 children, two of which were born prematurely here in Luxembourg, and one who requires a significant amount of health care - therefore we use the health care system far more than we would like. We have opted for the public healthcare - ... Read More
The other side of the Luxembourger postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...
Hi Priscilla, Opinions of Luxembourg tend to be a bit like Marmite: You either love it or hate it. The only way to find out if you like Marmite is to try it. The forum is an excellent way of sharing information. Read More
Living in Luxembourg by expat.com
You are living in Luxembourg, or you used to live in Luxembourg. Share your experience! How would you describe life in Luxembourg? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated to make friends ...
You mentioned: "..and the people. it also depends on what you're used to. if someone is used to Mediterranean mentality, then locals would seem too reserved, i guess." According to the 2011 Statec report: out of a total population of 512,353 - at ... Read More
The other side of the Luxembourger postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...
The Luxembourg Post Card is very simple: Things you like Things you wish were different How is that different from any other country (including home)? Read More
Help needed about moving to luxembourg by 007m
Hey everyone, Just wanted to ask you if the weather is pleasant in luxembourg or not. Does it by any means different from the Uks weather and/or the cool places in Europe such as Norway. The weather in Norway in absolutely terrible. Appalling ...
The weather is certainly milder than in Norway - it is similar to South UK. As for your qualifications - it does depend upon what type of work you are in, and what you want to do. As for the job situation, Luxembourg is like most placed - the ... Read More
Registering a birth in Luxembourg by David
Hi, About to have a baby or already had children? Let's share your experience about the paperworks for registering a birth in Luxembourg. What are the formalities to obtain a birth certificate? What is the procedure to follow if both ...
First of all congratulations. 1) When your child is born, you will receive from the hospital a Birth decleration (avis de naissance). 2) You need to take the Birth deceleration along with the ID of yourself, your wife as well as a copy of your ... Read More
To buy or not to buy an apartment? by hollerich
Hello, I moved to Luxembourg a few years ago and I still live in a rented apartment . Of course, I would prefer living in my own apartment/house, but the prices are so high that I would have take the mortage for ca. 20 years. I am 36 now. But when ...
Yes there is always a risk that property prices drop, however in my opinion this is unlikely to happen when you consider that during the recession house prices remained fairly resilient in Luxembourg, and there is a serious question regarding how ... Read More
Living in Luxembourg by expat.com
You are living in Luxembourg, or you used to live in Luxembourg. Share your experience! How would you describe life in Luxembourg? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated to make friends ...
Nazofdublin, hang in there - it's get's better! There are plenty of 'expats' who have been here for decades, made good friends (local and otherwise). The real advantages actually come with time. If you have some transport - try shopping outside of ... Read More
Tax and rent in Lux by christina.mari
I am considering to move to Lux. Please can anyone tell me 1.what are the tax rates there (I am a mother of 3 young children)and 2.how much I should expect to pay for a 2 & 3 bedroom appartment. Thks
Tax Rates will depend upon your circumstances. Fill in the info into the following web site to give you an idea: Salary Calculator For accomodation, really depends upon what you want: Live over the border in neigbouring France/Germany/Belgium ... Read More
Cost of living in Luxembourg by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Luxembourg . The idea is to help those who would like to live in Luxembourg . Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare ...
If you look at the Total Cost of Property Ownership in Luxembourg it is not that bad: 1. While the property prices can be high, interest rates are reletively low, and there is lots of financial support available especially if you have a family 2. ... Read More
Living in Luxembourg by expat.com
You are living in Luxembourg, or you used to live in Luxembourg. Share your experience! How would you describe life in Luxembourg? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated to make friends ...
Hi, I don't know nothing about renting a room or a flat for short period, but I found this list of place to rent on this very useful site. http://www.station.lu/adList.cfm good luckYes, most flat rentals work on a 3 year basis, however I believe ... Read More