

New member

Scottish expat in Saudi Arabia

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Lives in Western province

Registration: 02 September 2009


JBJ replied to a thread
15 years ago

dating? by JBJ

hey guys. I'm moving to KSA for work in a few weeks and I'm just wondering what the situation is with dating. I'm a mid 20s male from the UK and obviously would like to meet some girls over there for friendship and maybe more. Is this possible or ...


JBJ (What about if you travel outside the compound to go shopping or socialise or travel to say Bahrain or the UAE? Can the police stop you to find out if you are married or not?) :lol: lol lol you are so scared JBJ , just relax the life here is ... Read More

JBJ replied to a thread
15 years ago

dating? by JBJ

hey guys. I'm moving to KSA for work in a few weeks and I'm just wondering what the situation is with dating. I'm a mid 20s male from the UK and obviously would like to meet some girls over there for friendship and maybe more. Is this possible or ...


Yeah I had an idea that was how it was with the "haves and have nots" but just thought I'd ask. Quick question musicman: I assume your name isn't a coincidence... what's the music like in KSA? I'm planning on bringing a guitar for in my flat. Is ... Read More

JBJ replied to a thread
15 years ago

dating? by JBJ

hey guys. I'm moving to KSA for work in a few weeks and I'm just wondering what the situation is with dating. I'm a mid 20s male from the UK and obviously would like to meet some girls over there for friendship and maybe more. Is this possible or ...


?!? I thought homosexuality was punishable by death? I saw a show yesterday where one of the princes had a plethora of good looking females wearing western clothes and no abhya (sp?) is sight working for him. I take it that's one of the perks of ... Read More

JBJ replied to a thread
15 years ago

dating? by JBJ

hey guys. I'm moving to KSA for work in a few weeks and I'm just wondering what the situation is with dating. I'm a mid 20s male from the UK and obviously would like to meet some girls over there for friendship and maybe more. Is this possible or ...


So it's generally ok within the compound? What about if you travel outside the compound to go shopping or socialise or travel to say Bahrain or the UAE? Can the police stop you to find out if you are married or not? Read More

JBJ created a thread
15 years ago


hey guys. I'm moving to KSA for work in a few weeks and I'm just wondering what the situation is with dating. I'm a mid 20s male from the UK and obviously would like to meet some girls over there for friendship and maybe more. Is this possible or ... Read More