Czech looking for information about Egypt
3 posts
About me
Registration: 22 January 2023
Do egyptian man treat foreign wife different than egyptian one?
Little about situation:-foreigner woman (EU) dating Egyptian (at college met in EU, now long distance)-he is from medium class family (his family owns 2 houses, some cars etc but nothing literally his)-he got 1 year before military service, but he ... Read More
Children between foreigner and Egyptian by Egypt_questions
I would like to ask about this situation...I am EU citizen and my partner is Egyptian. If I get married to him and have children with him.1. Is there any reason why should I apply for Egyptian citizenship /passport? (what are pros and cons of ...
@Peony_xo Here it is little more complicated as it is marriage between 2 culture and countries. My trust is one thing, but my family trust is sadly low because of stories you can read all over the internet. They agreed under condition we will be ... Read More
Children between foreigner and Egyptian
I would like to ask about this situation...I am EU citizen and my partner is Egyptian. If I get married to him and have children with him.1. Is there any reason why should I apply for Egyptian citizenship /passport? (what are pros and cons of ... Read More