


New member

Irish expat in Argentina

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Buenos

Speaks English, Spanish

Registration: 30 November 2011


barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Drinks on Friday? by barrymiguel

Hey, We are a group of English speakers and Spanish speakers and we are going for some drinks and pizza on friday night, we usually go out after too. If anyone is interested in joining us, and meeting new people, let me know. heres the ...


Its at Lvstudio in palermo, from 7pm to 8pm, its 20 pesos, but they also have a free one on weds in the afternoon. Im pretty sure anyone can just come. The address is darregueyra 2394. Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Drinks on Friday? by barrymiguel

Hey, We are a group of English speakers and Spanish speakers and we are going for some drinks and pizza on friday night, we usually go out after too. If anyone is interested in joining us, and meeting new people, let me know. heres the ...


Spanish conversation, we do it every friday then go out for drinks or food after, so some regulars and some fresh people every week, also locals as theres an english convo class at the same time. Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Drinks on Friday? by barrymiguel

Hey, We are a group of English speakers and Spanish speakers and we are going for some drinks and pizza on friday night, we usually go out after too. If anyone is interested in joining us, and meeting new people, let me know. heres the ...


Hey tonight we are actually going to a jazz club, at Thelonious, the address is Salguero y Gueme, our class finishes at 9 i think so well be there just after that, its a 50 peso cover, but its a girls birthday so should be a good night. anyones ... Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Drinks on Friday? by barrymiguel

Hey, We are a group of English speakers and Spanish speakers and we are going for some drinks and pizza on friday night, we usually go out after too. If anyone is interested in joining us, and meeting new people, let me know. heres the ...


I think about 8.30ish, we finish class at around 8. we will all be sitting together yeah, just ask for the LVstudio group. and the address is actually Fitz Roy 1994 Read More

barrymiguel created a thread
13 years ago

Drinks on Friday?

Hey, We are a group of English speakers and Spanish speakers and we are going for some drinks and pizza on friday night, we usually go out after too. If anyone is interested in joining us, and meeting new people, let me know. heres the ... Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

2 English girls looking to move to Buenos Aires to teach by LaurenCosgrove

Hey, guys, Myself and a friend are looking to move out to teach english (we Are both currently completing TEFL courses) . Does anyone have any experience with this or can offer any advice/info about what Its like for Brits living and working in ...


Hola, dont come in Jan or Feb. most of the schools close for summer, nobody wants to do anything in the heat. Im irish and been living and working in BA for a while now so if youve got any questions, just ask. Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Buenos Aires flatshare by Christine

Hi, is it popular to share a flat in Buenos Aires ? What advice would you give to those looking for shared accommodation in Buenos Aires? Can you recommend specialized local websites or newspapers? By the way, keep in mind there is a ...


Hey, In this city flat shares and strangely room shares are popular. I found my apartment share on craigslist, but theres also, you can set up a profile and look at peoples apartment/room shares, although about half of them are ... Read More

barrymiguel replied to a thread
13 years ago

Going out in Buenos Aires by

Hi there, Which are your 10 favorite places to go out in Buenos Aires? Which places would you recommend to newcomers? (restaurants, pubs, discos, theaters, cinemas, concert halls...) Thanks!


Big fan of the street baez in las canitas, loads of decent bars. Read More