febby Indonesia


Cittadina Indonesiana che cerca informazioni in Australia
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Hi..My name is febby and i'm coming from beautiful country Indonesia..this year, some of my dreams came true..i traveled some countries in Asia..next plans are travel to Ausie, US and europe.. Travel to other country makes me realize that the world is very very very huge with a lot of different things..habit of peoples, culture, the way they think and makes me realize that i've been blessed to be able see all the difference..hopefully someday all people can travel to other country, so they can appreciate and tolerate the others..cheers!

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 07 Dicembre 2011

  • Parlo english, indonesia
  • Interessi personali traveling, beach, mountain
Registro delle attività
  • febby
    espatriato in Australia

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