MissGail EUA


MissGail, Americana procurando informa��o sobre em Belize
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HI, I am coming from Northern California in Sonoma County wine country. Which I guess I will be saying goodbye wine and hello rum now? Is it true there is only 1 beer company in Belize? LOL And I am scouring articles to see how gardening is going in the various districts, would especially like to grow some veggies. My biggest concern is the internet connections around Belize. Guess I will figure that out as I go. Looking forward to the adventure. Okay, a year later. I went to Belize and ended up staying on the island of Ambergris, after some months stay, I felt it wasn't where I wanted to live "forever". So I am eager to try the next country. For now I am in Dallas, Texas, "USA"!

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 08 Dezembro 2011.

  • Falo English. Look forward to resurrecting my Spanish
  • Gosto de snorkeling, diving, couchsurfing, equestrian, dog lover, dog training (positive, gardening both outdoor, hydroponic
Registro de atividade
  • MissGail
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Belize

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