sophie mare

@sophie mare


Greek looking for information about France


2 posts

About me


Speaks I speak greek, English, Italian and a little Spanish

Registration: 31 August 2023


sophie mare replied to a thread
last year
sophie mare

Public bilingual elementary school in Toulouse by sophie mare

Hi to everyone!We are moving with my family to Toulouse for a period of three years. We have two daughters, aged 9 and 5. Our work will be near space city, so we are looking for a house to rent near there. Is there a public bilingual elementary ...

sophie mare

@Bhavna Thank you so much for the quick response! Read More

sophie mare created a thread
last year

Public bilingual elementary school in Toulouse

Hi to everyone!We are moving with my family to Toulouse for a period of three years. We have two daughters, aged 9 and 5. Our work will be near space city, so we are looking for a house to rent near there. Is there a public bilingual elementary ... Read More