MemberEnglish looking for information about Bulgaria
2 posts
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Registration: 03 September 2023
My Experience of Bulgaria Never go to Bulgaria by GuestPoster357
NEVER go to Bulgaria you have been warned 1. Most EXPENSIVE Country in Europe2. Bulgarian Drivers are Devils 3. Groceries are 40% more expensive than Asda UK4. Weather 45 from May to September5. Dogs The Villages are full of dogs and Bulgarians ...
@GuestPoster357*** Read More
Payment of utility bills by sammut115
I have recently bought a house in a village near Polski Trambesh . So far I have managed to pay my electricity bill online directly on the ENERGO-PRO app . But as far as finding a way to pay for the water bill I am finding a bit confusing . So far ...
@sammut115 hello, have you pain your Energo pro bill using a uk bank debit card and has the bank charged you for this service please,yours richard Read More