Jane Mugenyi

Jane Mugenyi


Ugandan expat in Madagascar


2 posts

About me


Registration: 25 September 2023


Jane Mugenyi replied to a thread
last year
Jane Mugenyi

Making contact with NGO's in Madagascar by Jane Mugenyi

Good morning to you all,How do I get a list of NGO's working in Madagascar? is there an NGO member forum?RegardsJane Mugenyi

Jane Mugenyi

Thank you so much. The reason I was looking for a forum or a member body for NGO's was to avoid the process of having to deal with the plenty of them individually. so I was hoping there was an NGO membership association or NGO forum for Madagascar.I ... Read More

Jane Mugenyi created a thread
last year

Making contact with NGO's in Madagascar

Good morning to you all,How do I get a list of NGO's working in Madagascar? is there an NGO member forum?RegardsJane Mugenyi Read More