Pushpanjali Beegodhur

Pushpanjali Beegodhur


Mauritian citizen

Forum posts


About me


Registration: 30 October 2023


Pushpanjali Beegodhur replied to a thread
last year

Washing machine repair needed by PLMH

Good morning! My IGNIS washing machine has broken and I am looking for a reliable repairer to mend it. Are there any people that can be recommended? Thank you in advance Peter

Pushpanjali Beegodhur

@veek hello can u plz help with my bosch dishwasher plz?Thanks for replyingPushpanjali Read More

Pushpanjali Beegodhur replied to a thread
last year

Washing machine repair needed by PLMH

Good morning! My IGNIS washing machine has broken and I am looking for a reliable repairer to mend it. Are there any people that can be recommended? Thank you in advance Peter

Pushpanjali Beegodhur

@dgujadhurHello there.just reading about your message about a bosch dishwasher. i have one and it is now working. kindly tell me who you contacted and did the person manage to help you.Thanks for replyingPushpanjali Read More