


Australian looking for information about Thailand


2 posts

About me


Registration: 04 November 2023


John9168 replied to a thread
last year

What companies can help me organise moving to Thailand? by John9168

GreetingsI'm an Australian thinking of moving to a Thai beach area on one of the over-55 visas. Can someone recommend a trustworthy company that can handle the organisational and visa etc aspects for me?Thanks, John


Thanks a lot Guy. It probably is fairly easy to organise for most people, but I'd find it much less stressful to just hire a company to do it all for me so I know it's done right. I'm aware of some companies already but hoped I could get some ... Read More

John9168 created a thread
last year

What companies can help me organise moving to Thailand?

GreetingsI'm an Australian thinking of moving to a Thai beach area on one of the over-55 visas. Can someone recommend a trustworthy company that can handle the organisational and visa etc aspects for me?Thanks, John Read More