


Ugandan expat in Bahrain

Forum posts


About me


Registration: 23 November 2023


Nabuuma replied to a thread
10 months ago

cpr offense by jogueoad

Hi anyone here has an idea to remove CPR offense? I have valid work visa but i was caught working in different company then the employer paid 1000BD just want to know the process how to removow offense on my cpr because im renewing my work permit ...


@jogueoad same problem like me dear Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang. Ehh not good let me see what my lawyer is going to tell me Tommorrow Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang but if I pay a fine is ok Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang I wanted to talk with you in private Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang ok sir I have already paid power of attorney yesterday but let me hope the case will be finished and my new sponsor give me a visa Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang lawyer told to get a sponsor who is willing to give me a visa so no chance to be legal Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang. So what advice do you give me Read More

Nabuuma replied to a thread
last year

Visa expired by Nabuuma

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled


@XTang if I get a lawyer it will not be handled over Read More

Nabuuma created a thread
last year

Visa expired

I changed a job but lmra cought me yet my visa is not changed into there company and they blocked my cpr , but I have a sponsor if she tried to apply visa they told her that I have offence So what should I do and that case can it be handled Read More

Nabuuma created a thread
last year

I want to unblock my cpr

I want to unblock my cpr Read More