Astly george

Astly george

New member

Indian looking for information about Bahrain

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Registration: 02 January 2024


Astly george replied to a thread
last year
Astly george

Bahrain Doctor training by Astly george

Hi doctors I already asked this question once but I did not get a proper answer. I’m looking to do my speciality training in Bahrain Currently, I have GMC registration and am working in the UK as Senior House Officer in Acute Medicine. I wish ...

Astly george

@logicalindian i already did but havent got a reply yet.thank you Read More

Astly george created a thread
last year

Bahrain Doctor training

Hi doctors I already asked this question once but I did not get a proper answer. I’m looking to do my speciality training in Bahrain Currently, I have GMC registration and am working in the UK as Senior House Officer in Acute Medicine. I wish ... Read More

Astly george replied to a thread
last year
Astly george

Training/ Bahrain by Astly george

Hi, Can you please help me I’m working in the UK in nhs for the past one and half year now as my family is in Bahrain was wondering if I can do my training there in Bahrain .. please help me out

Astly george replied to a thread
last year
Astly george

Training/ Bahrain by Astly george

Hi, Can you please help me I’m working in the UK in nhs for the past one and half year now as my family is in Bahrain was wondering if I can do my training there in Bahrain .. please help me out

Astly george

IMT training.thanks Read More

Astly george created a thread
last year

Training/ Bahrain

Hi, Can you please help me I’m working in the UK in nhs for the past one and half year now as my family is in Bahrain was wondering if I can do my training there in Bahrain .. please help me out Read More