stilettofan Filipinas


Stilettofan, expatriada Filipinas no Camboja
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Hello Readers, Just arrived in Phnom Penh last December 28th 2011 and I am still trying to get a good grasp of the country. I'm staying at one of the villas near the airport and it gets kinda boring staying home for days. I haven't been out much because I honestly don't know where to go. So far, I've only been to the riverside, sitting there all by myself with my long island ice tea. Though I don't mind going out all by myself, it would be nice to get into some good talk with other people. I hope I can find something interesting to do here other than my work. So my co-expats, do educate me on where, what, and how to do things here in Phnom Penh. I'd love to hear from you. ----------------------------------- Update as of 2013: I am back in Cebu, Philippines. ----------------------------- Update as of May 15, 2015: Will be travelling to Vietnam and Cambodia again this September 2015. Hope to see some co-expats here.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 13 Janeiro 2012.

  • Gosto de blogging, dancing, cooking , Art, Swimming, creative writing, food, coffee, shoes
Registro de atividade
  • stilettofan
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Cidade de Ho Chi Minh

Experiência expat

Mai 2012 - Jun 2012
Cidade de Ho Chi Minh , Camboja
Desde Maio 2012
Cebu, Filipinas
Abr 2012 - Jun 2012
Cidade de Ho Chi Minh , Filipinas