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American looking for information about Palau

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Registration: 14 January 2012


mmmdedek replied to a thread
10 years ago

Cost of living in the Palau by

Hi everybody, It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in the Palau. Don't forget to mention where in the Palau you are living. How much does it cost to live in the Palau? > accommodation prices > public transportation fares ...


I too dream of living 10 months per year at Palau and the other two visiting grandchildren ;) fortunately, my mom is in great health at 76 and her parents lived well into their 90s. Although mom is adamantly against it and says to just dump her in ... Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
10 years ago

Living in the Palau by

You are living in the Palau, or you used to live in the Palau. Share your experience! How would you describe life in the Palau? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated to make friends in ...


Read my reply, it's the first one in the list, as far as owning property in Palau, forget it. Long term lease might be possible though. Oh nm, it's the last one and you probably read it lol. Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
12 years ago

Living in the Palau by

You are living in the Palau, or you used to live in the Palau. Share your experience! How would you describe life in the Palau? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find an accommodation and a job? Is it complicated to make friends in ...


I believe it is very difficult if not impossible to buy or own land on Palau without marrying into a native family. I'm guessing a long term lease is the only option if you want to build. I've searched the internet far and wide for any information ... Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Palau by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Palau. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Palau: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to bring ...


ok amazon caught on to the book preview bug. you might try for a better preview, but even it leaves out random pages. or you could just buy the book and be like a good honest citizen (of wherever you hold citizenship ;) Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
13 years ago

Organize your move to Palau by Julie

Hi all, we invite you to share your experience about moving to Palau. Here is a list of questions which might help the ones preparing their move to Palau: What would you bring and what would you leave behind? Is it a good idea to bring ...


Ok, one more time, I'll post about a resource that I found very entertaining and interesting. I have never been to Palau, but I've looked and looked all over the net for information, and found a few tidbits. One was a book by "Papa Mike" who ... Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
13 years ago

Cost of living in the Palau by

Hi everybody, It would be very useful to talk about the cost of living in the Palau. Don't forget to mention where in the Palau you are living. How much does it cost to live in the Palau? > accommodation prices > public transportation fares ...


Again, I've been able to find just bits and pieces of information about this looking all over the place. From what I found, living in Palau is fairly comparable to the USA, maybe in the midrange of US cost of living...more than the country but less ... Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
13 years ago

Buying property in Palau by Christine

Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Palau? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Palau? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...


I've picked up a few bits of information on this in looking around various places. Apparently there are "beads" of some sort that are used kindof like deeds. They can be worth a lot and are pretty much only passed from parent to child upon death. ... Read More

mmmdedek replied to a thread
13 years ago

Buying property in Palau by Christine

Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Palau? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Palau? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...


I've read somewhere on the internet (real reliable citation eh?) that land ownership in Palau is virtually if not literally all by the natives. Land ownership is denoted by some kind of "beads" (the Palauan 'deed', perhaps?) which can be worth ... Read More