Swedish looking for information about Madagascar
3 posts
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Registration: 23 February 2024
Land for restoring nature by Waterwolf
Where would it be suitable to work with restoring nature? I am asking since I am interested in finding a piece of land , remote and far away from cities, where it would be possible to buy or rent as much land as possible for nature restoration ...
@Waterwolf It’s a very wothwhile goal. As with many things in Madagascar, it gets complicated. Land ownership is tricky, especially for foreigners. Sometimes land titles can be ambiguous or overlapping. This is complicated more if there ... Read More
Land for restoring nature by Waterwolf
Where would it be suitable to work with restoring nature? I am asking since I am interested in finding a piece of land , remote and far away from cities, where it would be possible to buy or rent as much land as possible for nature restoration ...
@patswald wow! that sounds very interesting! yes, I would live to know more about coral restoring!😊 Read More
Land for restoring nature
Where would it be suitable to work with restoring nature? I am asking since I am interested in finding a piece of land , remote and far away from cities, where it would be possible to buy or rent as much land as possible for nature restoration ... Read More