American looking for information about French Polynesia
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Registration: 23 April 2024

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

@Manatua Lemairemy father was born in Papeete, I was born in California. For me to have French citizenship since there is no Tahitian citizenship, I need to apply to the French Consulate in Los Angeles with proof that my father was born in FP, and ... Read More

New members of the French Polynesia forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the French Polynesia forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

@dreganism Do you have French citizenship? Read More

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

I am not an expert but I think you would need to apply for a visa to extend your stay past 3 months. The French exam is only for those seeking French nationality. To apply for French nationality you need to have a parent born on French soil or be ... Read More

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

Enjoy Tahiti! its a beautiful place with beautuful people. i am just waiting for the land of my family to be given to the living family members from the court and i will be there a few months at a time. Read More

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

@dvschaferI have been trying to get my French citizenship through my father who was born in Tahiti. Recently the French govt changed the rules and now requires people seeking French nationality to pass a French language exam. Read More

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

Im not retired from teaching yet Yes, i understand I can get a long term visa if I own land but that means I need to leave Tahiti for some period of time and the land I plan on building on is my great grandmother’s land which I am inheriting, ... Read More

Visa to stay in Tahiti longer than 3 months by crimprof
hello, my name is Kathy my family lives in French Polynesia and my great grandfather was an expat in Tahiti after the Civil War. Without being a French citizen, how do you stay in Tahiti longer than 3 months, or with a visa, up to 6 ...

I know about the visa info, i was under the impression and hoping that expats don’t necessarily need French nationality or citizenship. Tahitians do not have their own citizenship option although there is a movement in that direction under ... Read More

Visa to stay in Tahiti longer than 3 months
hello, my name is Kathy my family lives in French Polynesia and my great grandfather was an expat in Tahiti after the Civil War. Without being a French citizen, how do you stay in Tahiti longer than 3 months, or with a visa, up to 6 ... Read More

Expat Residency in French Polynesia by dvschafer
My wife and I are retired in France and considering moving to Tahiti. So far we have found the cost living and real estate prices are within our budget. Our main question/concern are the conditions for long term residency in French Polynesia. My ...

I can afford to support myself with my teachers pension my issue is learning enough french to pass the French 2 exam to get my french nationality My father was born in tahiti and I have land in moorea and want to build a house there Kathy Sarah ... Read More