English expat in Hungary
Forum posts
About me
Speaks English, a bit of German and I’m learning Hungarian.
Registration: 31 May 2024

Property transfer
Hi some months ago I bought a property in Pecs. The property was put in my partner's name as she is a Hungarian citizen and lives in an EU member state. We now want to transfer the property into my name Im English and still live in England (a non-EU ... Read More

Hungarian allotments by tristan65
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ...

Wlija are great for jacket spud, Pipers are a main crop and good for everything, Charlottes are a nice early spud, good in salads. Read More

Hungarian allotments by tristan65
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ...

@fluffy2560 Maris pipers are a good spud. A mate of mine has an arable farm, he grows them, Charlottes and Wilja. Read More

Hungarian allotments by tristan65
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ...

I have just done a bit of digging around (pun intended) and found this site, https://burgonya-hu.translate.goog/fajtak/dunastar/?_x_tr_sl=hu&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc&_x_tr_sch=httpIt lists the different potatoes they grow in Hungary. You ... Read More

Hungarian allotments by tristan65
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ...

On a slightly different note, what is the Hungarian equivalent to the likes of B&Q, Screwfix etc? Read More

Hungarian allotments by tristan65
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ...

@SimCityAT, do you buy your seeds in Hungary? Sorry to sound stupid but I'm still in the UK until the end of August. Read More

Hungarian allotments
Hi all, I have bought a property on the outskirts of Szentlőrinc. It has a sizeable amount of land, and I want to use some of it to grow my own fruit and veg. I have a few questions for those of you who may already be doing this or have a good ... Read More

Rewiring a property by tristan65
I have just bought a property near Pecs, it needs retiring as the current wiring is the old aluminium style. Could someone give me a ballpark figure what it would cost to get this done please? The property is 150 2m and I would like it done to a ...

When you rewired your place did you go the hungarian way and use a radial circuit or the UK way with a ring main? Is it actually feasable to rewire the place using a ring main system? Read More

Rewiring a property by tristan65
I have just bought a property near Pecs, it needs retiring as the current wiring is the old aluminium style. Could someone give me a ballpark figure what it would cost to get this done please? The property is 150 2m and I would like it done to a ...

@fluffy2560 mate I could do with tapping you up for more advice when I’m over there do some work. Ive done some rewiring work in the past, all 240v and on a ring main, I wouldn't mind adding some 3 phase to one of the garages as I want to get ... Read More

Rewiring a property by tristan65
I have just bought a property near Pecs, it needs retiring as the current wiring is the old aluminium style. Could someone give me a ballpark figure what it would cost to get this done please? The property is 150 2m and I would like it done to a ...

@fluffy2560Thanks for that, much appreciated. I have out bulidings too, probably about another 150 sq, I want to convert some of the attic space into a man cave. I'm guessing I should budget around the 10k mark? Read More

Rewiring a property
I have just bought a property near Pecs, it needs retiring as the current wiring is the old aluminium style. Could someone give me a ballpark figure what it would cost to get this done please? The property is 150 2m and I would like it done to a ... Read More