apasqua89 Italia


Cittadino Italiano che cerca informazioni in Vietnam
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Hello there! I'm excited to introduce myself and share my passion for personal and professional growth. I describe myself as a highly motivated and easy going guy who is always on the lookout for new challenges to test my skills and push myself to improve. I have experience in various fields such as architecture, education, and taijiquan martial art. I hope to get the opportunity to join your team soon. Cheers!

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 17 Giugno 2024

  • Parlo i speak Italian and English fluently
  • Interessi personali I enjoy trying out new recipes and cooking for friends and family. I have a passion for music and play the guitar in my spare time.I enjoy staying active by practicing chalistenics and Taiji.Traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures is
Registro delle attività

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Dicembre 2024
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Mostra tutto

insegnare inglese e dedicarmi al mio lavoro di architetto

Dal Luglio 2019
Guangzhou, Guangdong, Cina