Abdulatifhamid93 Sudão


Abdulatifhamid93, Sudanês procurando informação sobre no Koweit
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I'm an English Lecturer, with eight years of experience. I'm aware of how important is to access the student's and young learners' minds through devotional performance in the classrooms and knowledge of psychological issues that shape the difficulties faced by students. I'm right here to help you and your school students to thrive. I do believe that education is the best investment.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 05 Setembro 2024.

  • Falo I can speak Arabic as my mother tongue and I speak English fluently. 
  • Gosto de I have a passion for many things, like educational psychology. Social studies that unequivocally reject the misconception of education. I'm also eager to know more about the new things which I didn't know. I love to teach all English courses.
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  • Abdulatifhamid93
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Koweit

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