graham03 Inglaterra


Graham03, Inglês
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ive been living in Thailand now for over 2 years & have met a lovely lady from cameroon but i cant live there as i dont have the money to show goverment officials , but i get private pension of over $800 per month, i dont have enough here either to live here but have to pay lady from immagration a fee to get around that, but many agencies here ou can do that its corrupt but what can i do i have to pay it, my g/f is going thro a horrible time iwth her boss who has accused her of stealing 70,0000 xaf franc 7 ive known her for over 7 months now she would steal from anyone but he wants sex with her & has already taken her to the police & has been told to wok for 2 months without salary & i woukld bet my life that she she would never ever do that type of thing if she had neede any money she would have asked me to help her, she wants to come here but that would mean i would have to pay same agency to arrange an education visa for her & it would be expensive so i would be paying 2 lots of corruption money 1 for me & one for her. is there anyone there who could help me geta visa for live there , i dont mind paing some one to sort it out for me i expect that , its breaking me up seeing her in this situation with her boss, hes now put more pressure on her to go to a hotel with him otherwise he will insist she payhim the money, she has told me she will not evr sleep with him she would sooner go to prison i mean wow what a lady she is soooo strong minded, i hope u can help me or know someone that can help me its driving me crazy & upsets me a lot to think of her problems there. ok im not rich guy but i have enough to live there 4 sure as its poor country, anway hers hoping u can help me in some wishes Graham

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 09 Fevereiro 2012.

  • Gosto de tennis, swimming
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  • graham03
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