My friends call me Nico. I was born in France and moved to the USA, Florida when i was 12. Today, I consider myself more American than French thought i love some aspects about both countries. I just finished my Bachelor and received a Degree from USF in Finance. I have been doing internships for the last year trying to figure out where i want to go in life. Before i go for my masters i decided to go work for my cousin in Shanghai, China who started his own company about 2 years ago. His company is called at ( An online shopping mall that sells international products). I have always wanted to see China and this was the perfect opportunity to learn Chinese. I am enjoying my time here so far, Shanghai is a city full of energy and an entrepreneur spirit. The night life is great! I also enjoy playing sports, especially soccer but i'm really open to any of them. I also like to draw and I enjoy going out to good restaurants, bars and clubs and hanging out with friends.
Inscrevi-me ao no dia 24 Setembro 2009.