summer77 Inghilterra


Cittadina Inglese che cerca informazioni negli Emirati Arabi
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Hi Everyone I am currently looking to relocate from the south coast of the UK. Very tired of the 'rat race' over here as well as the gloomy weather and non-stop rain! I have a strong background in Franchise Management as well as PR, Marketing and Event Planning. I am currently studying a Masters in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language)as well as a professional coaching certifice to go along side this. Interested to hear from anyone to see how they have located employment in another country and of course, the diverse change. Looking forward to hearing from you! Laura

Sono un utente di dal 23 Febbraio 2012

  • Parlo English
  • Interessi personali reading, art, history, walking, architecture, explorations photography
Registro delle attività
  • summer77
    espatriato a Manaus

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Emirati Arabi
Manaus, Emirati Arabi
Ora vivo qui