ems028 Angleterre


Expatriée Anglaise en Chine
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Hey, my name's Emma and I'm from Birmingham, UK. I've been living in Jakarta for five months now, and it's flown by. I work as an English teacher and I'm really enjoying myself. It'd be good to meet some new people though, so feel free to message and talk to me :)

Je suis membre depuis le 02 Mars 2012.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime traveling, reading, meeting new peop, jogging
Activité récente
  • ems028
    a rejoint la communauté Guangdong

Mon parcours

Depuis Novembre 2012
Guangdong, Chine
Sept 2011 - Sept 2012
Jakarta, Indonésie
Afficher plus

It can be quite dirty, but you get used to it. traffic is a nightmare - I am very surprised I didn't see more accidents.
