karcchan Chine


Citoyen Chinois
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Hello everyone my name is Karc. Born in Hong Kong, glow up in Hong Kong but I spent the last three years in UK(mostly in London and Oxford). and NOW 2012 I am back to Hong Kong. Since I am so used to the life-style and I wanna keep up my English, I'd love to meet more people all over the world in Hong Kong. I can show you around the best places(I may need to update first cause Ive been away for a while), the Best food in Hong Kong, some Cantonese jokes and slangs, and of course we can have some crazy drinks and parties! I can speak Canto, English and mandarin. currently self learning French! Hope you enjoy HK!

Je suis membre depuis le 04 Mars 2012.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime movies, music production, parties, photography(portrait, fashion)
Activité récente
  • karcchan
    a rejoint la communauté Chine

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