Enlil Francia


Espatriato Francese in Grecia
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Hi everyone! After spending some months in sweet Lebanon, I'm still in love with the Mediterranean Sea. I had to go back to France but I'm now free to move again, and my new wish is to live in Greece. Greece has forever been one of my favourite country and, because now I self-employed worker, I can work from the place I want too, as long as I can find Internet there. My humble wish is to find a place to stay, at least spending the winter there. I have very basic needs so a little house or flat not far from the sea would be perfect. I'm not fixed on the destination: I want to avoid Athens and think about Thessaloniki, Patras, Kalamata... It does'nt really matter, as long as can find a lovely place with nice people! SO every tips, information, recommendation, idea... or proposal to meet if you are there are sooooo welcome! I also have to learn Greek (I can read a little, yet) Efkaristo Pierre

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 05 Marzo 2012

  • Parlo English, French
  • Interessi personali writing, nguages, sports, civilisations, midd-east
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  • Enlil
    espatriato a Tessalonica

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Ora vivo qui
Salonicco, Grecia
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To find a place to spend a least a few months. I don't want to move in Athens so I'm looking for a suited place, anywhere on the mainland and close to the sea.

the toilet system!
