Eva Maria Espanha

Eva Maria

Eva Maria, expatriada Espanhóis na Índia
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My background is Fine Arts. Im a painter- you can visit: www.evamariapacheco.blogspot, to see my paintings. I have been working at the cinema and theater scenarios. Also I have been teaching at the university. I like so much to work in public relations and cultural companies. Good expert, to create Spanish cultural programs and events.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 02 Outubro 2009.

  • Falo Spanish, english, catalan, italian.
  • Gosto de fine arts, asian culture, raja yoga meditation, intercultural exchange, social living sty, enthusiasm
Registro de atividade
  • Eva Maria
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Nova Deli

Experi�ncia expat

Desde Março 2010
Nova Deli, Índia
Jan 2001 - Jan 2002
Cidade do México, Mexico
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Art Schoolarship from the National University of Mexico, DF. UNAM- Fine Arts Faculty. Reserach course before PhD.

Jan 1998 - Jan 1999
Atenas, Grécia
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Erasmus exchange- between University of Barcelona and National Greek University. Fine Arts Faculty.

Jan 1997 - Jan 1998
Nova Iorque, EUA
Mai 1975 - Fev 2010
Barcelona, Espanha
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I'm spanish from Barcelona City.