jimjam2393 Inghilterra


Cittadino Inglese che cerca informazioni in Brasile
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my name is james, im 19 years old and have vistited sao paulo for the first time, its actually my first time outside europe. I met some brazilian triplets back in the uk when i was 16 and managed to stay in contact with them and their family, 2 years later i am in sao paulo and ive fallen in love with the city! im looking at ways for me to work in order to stay longer but its hard because i have no expierence with this kind of thing, if any of you have any advice for me it would be much appreciated, and id also like to hear your stories about what madeyou decide to come to brazil

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 15 Marzo 2012

  • Parlo English
  • Interessi personali football, socialising, working
Registro delle attività
  • jimjam2393
    espatriato a Cambridge

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Febbraio 1993
Cambridge, Brasile
Mostra tutto

School and an apprenticeship for honda

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