American expat in Japan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Otsu
Registration: 17 March 2012

is car nedeed in kyoto? by renaletfat
hello, I am planning to move to kyoto for 3 years and I am wondering if a car is needed. I always hear plublic transport are very good but I have 3 young kids (3-8 years old) that need to be driven to school and other places. If a car is needed what ...

Hello Renal, We lived in Kyoto for a little over half a year before moving out to a "bed town" in Shiga. Based on that, I would recommend not getting a car while you live in Kyoto. Finding housing with parking included is going to be a challenge, ... Read More

asking by maya mimou
isit possible to finish your university in japan even if you didn't study there before

Hi Maya, In most cases, the answer is no. Most Japanese universities will not accept transfer students or give credit for previous courses except through specific university partnership agreements. Unless the university where you began your ... Read More

monbukagakusho scholarship 2013 about applyed information by Muhammadjaved
Hello I am Muhammad javed from Pakistan and living since 2 year in Japan now I want to study undergraduate in Japan unversity now I want to apply for scholarship for Japanese unversity can someone give information that how I can apply for ...

Hi Muhammad Javed, For the undergraduate level Monbukagakusho scholarship, you have to apply at the Japanese Embassy in your home country, but only certain countries are eligible. You'll have to check with the Embassy of Japan in Pakistan, but it ... Read More

Choosing a research program at a japanese university by stryx
Hello! I opting for a Japanese government scholarship and as an option I can do a research for a year and a half (it is a non-degree program) and then start an MBA. I was told I must be accepted by a tutor and a graduate school. I have been looking ...

Hi stryx, I work in a university international center and handle these applications on a regular basis. However, I can only tell you how my university handles them. I'm not certain about the others. If you haven't already, check out MEXT's ... Read More

Working and College in Japan by Miiya
Hi all! I was wondering if it was possible to work in Japan while on a student visa. I am thinking of transferring to a Starbucks in Japan, although I'm not sure where yet,and will it mess up something with my visa if I already have a job before I ...

Hi Miiya, If you enter Japan on a work visa, you're free to attend school (although your employer may have something to say about your work-study time balance). *Terminology note, I use "visa" to refer to your initial permission to enter the ... Read More