I joined expat.com on 22 March 2012.
Its my home. Summer rocks. A big bar/wine bar culture. We all drink as part of the everyday gastro experience, it's quite European in that way.
No jobs left due to financial crisis. There can be a bit of, "That expat gets paid more than me" general whining and also as in many old colonies, a touch of rascism and overly religious (only really christian) peoples.
Worked in certifying organics to overseas markets (ie. ensuring food met USDA National Organic Standards etc)
Wellington is a walkable city and there are always different festivals going on. None are free, but it's great there is such culture, I can spend one day doing a series of movies at the documentary film fest and the next in a car ride travelling with friends to a nearby wine and food festival an hour away.
Kiwis can be a tad serious and don't necessarily go out of their way to help you, their attitudes tend to remind me of old fashioned English values..."We'd helpp but you didn't ask m'am", haha!
Bristol is a funky, hip and totally music and media centred place. If you don't get Drum n Bass, you may not GET the scene.
erm..it gets colder than LONDON. I like sunshine.
LONDON: Culture, different people, new ideas, each area is it's own neighbourhood!
So expensive, no matter how much you make ALMOST everyone is living paycheck to paycheck. plus transport is VERY expensive for not a long way.
Language school
Old buildings, constantly finding hidden gems behind huge golden walls filled with Latin script.
Dramatic weather changes! sunbathing to snow!
Down-to-earth chatty people. Great skiing/boarding. Great hikking. You need to be outdoorsy, but it's wonderful to be in a place where everyone hikes and there is tons outside to explore. Though it's often VERY cold. The wildlife includes bears, snakes, moose, coyotes, deer, bobcats among many other things.
SNOW. ALL the time, even in June, which is ironic as it's warm enough for a t-shirt. Cluttered Trailer parks filled with tobacco chewing pot heads for every beautiful stretch of mountainous land, that is normal in North America to be honest.